Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

66 Tahun -‘’-

Pernah denger kalo Ind*nesia merdeka itu gara2 hadiah dari Jep*ng ?? WTF lah bwt yg ngomong !!
Gile aje, ga liat apa tuh makam pahlawan berjejer rapi ampe jumlahnya udah mau ratusan ?blm lagi tiap kota pasti ada museum nasional yang nyimpen benda2 bersejarah jaman penjajahan, bambu runcing penuh cipratan darah ? rakyat mati kelaparan (ga ada hubungannya sih) ? kalo mo diibaratin nih, pejuang kita rela ngasih nyawanya bwt generasi kita supaya bisa bernafas lega kayak sekarang, tanpa harus ada teror kekejaman dari para penjajah yg otaknya udah kebolak-balik, perikemanusiaannya tergadaikan, jiwa kebinatangannya membludak, dan yaah begitulah.
Tuh tandanya pahlawan kita emg berjuang mati-matian bwt bikin Ind*nesia merdeka. Gini aja deh, kalo misalnya nih kalian bikin rumah, eehh ada ibuk-ibuk lagi beli sayur yg ngegosipin kalo kalian dpt duit bwt bikin rumah dari hasil ngemis, trus ada orang yang berjiwa dermawan ngasih kalian duit segeplok bwt bikin rumah. Apa ga sakit hati tuh ? wah bisa-bisa tuh ibuk-ibuk dibantai satu-satu. Lah itu sama aja posisinya sama bangsa yang baru mau mandiri bwt merdekain negaranya. Emang ada jaman sekarang orang yang mau ngerelain ikan besar yg seharusnya dimakan ama klwrga bwt disantap orang lain ?? Buju buneng, keturunan sunan mana tuh orang ?? hhaahhaha =D
Udah deh stop mendramatisir sesuatu yang tidak pernah terjadi bwt mengalihkan kasus besar Negara yang seharusnya udah selesai dari jaman pithecantropus !! Negara kita sedang labil cuy, senggol dikit, gaplak luhh !! ga liat apa klo org lagi kampanye pasti ada spanduk, RAKYAT SEJAHTERA, SEKOLAH GRATIS, BEROBAT GRATIS, atau apalah janji semacamnya. Tuh kan berarti rakyat kita udah ga bisa dibodohin udah sehat lahir bathin, sejarah aja udah dibukuin, mana ada yg bisa ngerubah, lah orang kalo nilai ulangan sejarah anjlok aja disuruh remidi, tandanya guru mau klo muridnya paham dan ngerti semua cerita dibalik bendera yang bisa berkibar bebas tiap hari senin. Dan yaah jelas saja, rakyat kita pinter maksimal coyy :D *prokkprokprokk* #backsound : we are the champions !!
Negara ini udah berumur, udah seharusnya makan ga lagi disuapin. Pampers udah bisa dilepasin, ga harus nangis lagi klo mw main keluar, pkoknya semua udah dibebasiiiiinnn !! intinya kalo ada yg bilang kita merdeka gara-gara dikasihanin, yukk rame-rame kita gampariiiinnnn !!

Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

So Speechless :')

it was 7pm, I faced my beloved notebook with a stupid modem over there-
my mobile was bells up continouely with so many message from my friends within.
One by one I read it out, one of my besties sent a message for me, and wauuuw, she’s pass, that’s good news. Ofc I was glad to hear that J
In anotr media, I read on my social network so many my friends have made a statue that show their feeling out about the result for acceptance in a favorite university. That’s made me surprised, so many satisfied feeling write down, but unfortunately, almost my friends got failed.
What abt me ? sure, at that time I do don’t have a braveness to open it. Expressly, I wait till tmorrow morning and just read it from newspaper, eventhough at that time I can open it if I wanted.
With nervous feeling, at midnight I couldn’t sleep anymore, I wanna know abt the result, but I’m too scared, I don’t want the disappointed thing happened for twice. So I’ve been try to sleep hardly, w/ my beloved sister beside me who has slept be sound. Hmmm I do really want to sleep at that time bcz I was so sleepy, but finally w/ confused feeling full up my heart, I was sleep about 3 hours.
7am, I got up :O
And hey, my mobile bells back. Read it from my friend that give me inform that my name was there in newspaper because I got pass to be a collegan in my favorite university eventhough I just accept in the second choice (I’ve 3 choice) but come on, IT DOES NOT MATTER, because of no matter J
w/ unbelievable feeling, I found out my notebook to make it clear, both of my small-hand was tremble, I typed down my contestant number, and SEARCH !!
CONGRATULATION !! Weeeyyy, I’m pass J
How happy I am :D
With small-run, I came to my parents to gave them know about my happiness result, ofc they smiled, omg idk wht I’ve to say when I look their smile and waaauuuw that’s because of me J
Thanks God for giving me this happiness, my big thanks for my parents, thanks a lot J
I love you all :D
Hopefully I can make both of you be proud of me J


I'm me :D

- Versa Valensia -
i’m Versa Valensia, I just an ordinary girl with minus in everywhere but I never feel disappointed for at all, I always thanks to God with everything He gives to me because I believe that no one perfect and what God gives to us, That’s best for us J
I was born in palembang, 17 years ago and on 29th of December.
I got my kindergarten educate in PDAM TIRTA MUSI KINDERGARTEN PALEMBANG, and for 6 years in E.S.N 39 Palembang, after pass from there, I continue my education on J.H.S no.43 Palembang, normally 3 years after that I finished my JHS educate, and well, 3 years lastly I’m in my beloved SHS number 10 Palembang on Science major. I do don’t like cat anymore, I dunno why and I don’t want to find the reason, because rrggghhhhh, that’s scared L
And right now, I got seat on Development Economics Faculty in Sriwijaya University.
Eventhough I’m not collegan yet, but I’ve already got Yellow-Almamater with S size overthere J
Hha not too important :p
I’m me and I’ll always like this :D

Jumat, 15 Juli 2011


That eyes, I dunno why first time I saw a couple of that eyes I felt so calm down, that’s so awesome for me, and I don’t wanna take my eyes of it. Yeaaah that’s your eyes !!
You luket me, you’re so strange for me, bcz u’r appearance so so different wif another, but I felt something happen in my soul, my heart sounds like wanna find out who you are. But I just let it, I feel it something usual.
Days by days, I never remember about it anymore, and that day was came I saw that eyes for the second, you still luket me such the first you saw me at that time, I just wanna know, so I saw you back, you still luket me, I was surprise, and for the first time, you walked to me, you give out your hand, and mention your name. wauuuuuwww, I do surprised, reflexively I get your hand and I mention my name, that happened so quickly.

I couldn’t believe det since that short introducing, I olweys remind u, your name, your face, and all about u !!
days by days, weeks by weeks, even months by months I can’t found you anymore, I dunno where are you, I’ve been try to find you, I just can pray to God to show me the way so that I can found u one day..

Wuuufffhh, I was hopeless, and for the second, I try to forget you.
*bigsmile in ma face :DD

What’s goin’ on w/ me ?
Am I loving ??
Just God and I could answer it :DD

Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

My first posting :)

waaaaaahh, gini yaa rasanya ngeblog, hhihii ( maklum blog nya masih bau toko )
lumayan ribet juga yaa :)
udah hampir satu jam di depan lepi tercinta tanpa makanan, tanpa tivi, dan tanpa handphone..
yaa cuma bela-belain buat bikin blog ini doang !!
tapi gapapa, kayak kata orang-orang sono tuh " NO PAIN NO GAIN "
lumayan juga sih buat ngisi waktu nganggur 3 bulan di rumah, daripada cuma ngantengin tivi doang, bisa katarak nih matanya, hhi
Well, gue pengen banget jadi penulis, penulis apa aja deh, penulis novel, buku, artikel, at least cerpen juga gapapa :p
so, walaupun tulisan-tulisan yang gue buat dikategorikan ecek-ecek, tapi gue bakalan terus belajar buat jadi penulis yang hebat, yang bisa nelurin karya-karya yang bermanfaat buat pembaca sekalian.
sorry nih lupa ngenalin siapa yang punya blog ini..
Let's me start, nama blog ini di ambil dari singkatan nama panjang gue, VV (dibaca veve ), emang agak sedikit maksa sih, tapi gapapa deh, udah gak ada inspirasi mau buat nama apa lagi, daripada no name blogspot ?? hha
sekarang gue bisa dibilang nggak punya identitas, ya dibilang pelajar udah habis kontrak, dibilang mahasiswi juga belum nyampe kesana, gak tau deh jadi apaan, hahahaha :D Daaaarrr, lupain soal status, let's we find out my birthday :)
gue lahir sekitar 17 tahun yang lalu, di suatu kota yang bisa dibilang punya progress yang sangat cepat, yang punya makanan khas yang enak-enak, punya jembatan yang katanya sih jadi ikon kota ini, punya sungai yang yaaahh bisa dibilang multi-talent, soalnya seluruh kegiatan banyak yang dilakuin disana, mulai dari mandi, nyuci, ampe poop juga disana, hhi ( loh kok ngomongin sungai sih ? )
di usia yang bisa dibilang usia labil, gue punya berat badan 48 kg, dgn tinggi sekitar 167 cm ( bisa dibayangin kan kurusnya kayak apa ) hhe, but gue udah bersyukur banget kok, nothing's perfect, right ?
So, let's movin' on..
kayaknya udahan deh ngomongin identitas penulis, cari topik lain, tapi apaan yahh ?
Uhhhhmmm macet inspirasi nih !!
ya udah dikelarin aja kali yaa postingan gue kali ini, udah ngantuk juga sih (hooaaaaammmm) !!
Yaaapp, this time to post my written !!
So, see u in another chance :)
zzZzZzZzZzZz -,-"